Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Update

This weekend flew by. Friday I didn't have Olivia. It was such a nice day to have just Alex in the house. He played quietly and had a great time. We picked Bri up from school early. It was such a beautiful day. We went to get the kids much needed hair cuts, went to lunch and then went to play at the park. It was great having just my kids. Friday night we had rock group. We had a great time, as usual.

Saturday Bri had to go to school for a make up day. Saturday make ups are not all that bad. They only go for a half day. She was home from school by 11:15. We had to go buy Brian some short sleeved shirts to wear to work. He is so hot natured that he wears short sleeves all year. While we were out and about we grabbed some fast food for lunch and got quite the shock. We asked for the nutritional information and they guy at the register pointed it out. We were shocked at how much sodium is in their menu items. While we were sitting there Brian and I were talking about people who eat fast food everyday. Brian said it's not wonder there are so many obese people. Then Saturday night the kids and I hung out at home while Brian went to help a friend.

Sunday after church Sonya and Amos came over to keep the kids while Brian and I went to lunch. We went to Quaker Steak for wings. They were good too! After lunch we headed over to Aldi to get our fresh veggies for the week. If you don't shop at Aldi, check out their produce, it's much cheaper than regular prices at grocery stores. Amos thought it was funny that we had the afternoon to ourselves and we went to buy groceries. It was nice though. We didn't have to put anyone in the buggy or make sure Brianna was keeping up with us. Then we came home and watched the end of the race and talked to Sonya and Amos. They are funny and when the four of us get together we have a great time. I wish they lived closer.

I'm ready for this cold I have to be over and done with. I thought yesterday that I was losing my voice, but maybe not. I don't know if I will make Zumba tonight, it depends on my energy level this afternoon. Maybe after a nap. I love taking naps in the afternoons. There are few things better!

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