Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Update

Friday we were home recuperating from Thursday's excursion to Great Wolf.

Saturday Bri and I left about 1 in the afternoon headed to Raleigh for the One Direction concert.  We got her tickets for her birthday last year.  The car ride down there was fun.  Bri is hilarious!  She can imitate the girl from this video to a T!

She even went off on her own tangent about Issac Newton.  I was laughing so hard.  I think I enjoyed the car ride more than the concert.  It was fun just talking to her and laughing with her.  The concert wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  She had a great time with her friend Kinsey.

Sunday we were home.  I needed to rest from driving home early Sunday morning.  On the way home Sunday morning, I realized there are parts of 85 where there is NOTHING and at 2 AM there are not even any other cars.  It was a little scary.  Sunday the kids and I made a Frozen Oreo Pie to have for dessert after supper.  At first we put it in the fridge, but decided it would be better if it is frozen.  Don't get me wrong, it being refrigerated versus frozen does not effect it's taste at all!  And it's taste was delicious!  I used sugar free pudding mix, skim milk, and light Cool Whip.

I'm going to do a picture update later in the week with pictures from Great Wolf and the concert.

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