Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This day always makes my heart hurt a little, not like it did that day, but it hurts none the less.  Bri was watching Clifford, her favorite for a few years, I was getting ready to tackle our day when the radio DJs told their audience to turn on their TVs, and Brian was at work.  I really couldn't comprehend what I was seeing when the second plane hit.  I wanted to bundle my little family up and run to make sure we were safe.  Bri watched a lot of PBS that day.  Now, 12 years later, she has learned what happened and asked me her questions.  Alex has also learned what happened.  His 7 year old brain can't make sense of why someone would want to kill those people.  Heck, my now 37-year old brain still doesn't understand.  Today, I will pray a lot and cry a little.

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