Sunday, December 8, 2013

Weekend Update

Friday after picking up the kids from school we headed to Wingate University to watch the NCAA volleyball semi-finals.  Bri's middle school coach was was referee a the tournament.  We didn't get to see him in action, but we did get to talk to him for a minute.  The plus of going to Wingate is that is where Maranda goes to school!  Alex was super excited to see her, Bri and I were too, but we all know Maranda is Alex's girl.

Saturday we went to the kids Christmas party at Siemens.  While we were there we got a craft idea for the Girl Scout Christmas party we are hosting in a couple weeks.  Bri is to old for the Siemens party, but enjoyed working on the craft.

Sunday I didn't feel good at all!  Nothing hurt really, I just didn't feel good in general.  There was a lot of homework, laying around, and napping going on.

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