Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Update

Alex said in the car Friday night that he has two brains.  One for his smartness and one for his imagination.

As I was getting a pillow off the couch Saturday morning, I hit him in the head with it.  He told me it didn't hurt because he had his helmet on.  I told him pillows don't hurt.  He informed me that if Hulk hits you with a pillow it will hurt.

I didn't really finish my weekend update before it posted.  We didn't do a whole lot over the weekend. Saturday I took the kids to the pool.  Sunday we just rested.  Alex was up late Saturday night/Sunday morning.  So, we were tired.  My parents came to visit and hear about Bri's trip to New York.

I made a really good recipe for supper on Sunday.  Here is the link to Slow Cooker Cheesy Chicken and Rice

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