Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weekend Update

According to Bri, I am super late and should have put this up earlier.

Brian and I did not much of anything this weekend.  Alex was with my parents and Bri was with Sonya and Amos.

Saturday we had a date day.  We went out to lunch, walked around SouthPark Mall and then went out to supper.

Monday both kids were supposed to have a doctor's appointment for their annual well child visit. I say supposed to because for some reason they only had an appointment for Bri.  I was NOT a happy camper that I had to take him back.

Just a couple things we are loving right now:

BBQ Chicken Pizza

Take some leftover chicken.  Add a little BBQ sauce.  Take a pre made pizza crust and put your BBQ sauce on it instead of pizza sauce.  Top with pizza and mozzarella or cheddar.  I want to try cheddar, but the family says stick with the mozzarella.  Top with green onions.  Pop into the oven until the cheese melts.

Fruit Cups

2 cans crushed pineapple
1 can fruit cocktail
2 cans mandarian oranges

Drain all of these.  Mix in a big bowl and pour in a can of orange pineapple juice concentrate and the juice from one lemon.  The concentrate is hard to find!  We have just done an orange juice concentrate and not drained one of the pineapples.  Pour into plastic cups and freeze.  The kids will set one out at breakfast and eat a little later.

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