Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Weekend Update

A little late.  Friday afternoon Alex and I were walking up the hall of the middle school and caught Bri wandering around.  I asked her what she was doing.  She said she was looking for Dr. Boger's office.  Dr. Boger is in charge of discipline!  Bri is not the type of kid who needs to go see Dr. Boger for school business!  There was some problem with a testing session on Thursday and Bri had to write a statement about what happened and how her teacher handled it.  Then we rushed home to eat supper and get her back to the middle school for Honor Society induction.  They inducted 69 kids!

Saturday morning Bri's Girl Scout troop worked collecting toys for Salvation Army at Wal Mart.  While they were there, the channel 36 news crew showed up!  Our girls were on the 6:00 news!!  After that we braved the rain and cold to run a couple of errands.  We stopped by Subway for a late lunch, we got enough for supper too.  When we were paying, their cash register crashed!  We stood there waiting for the manager to get there and reset the system.

Sunday afternoon Alex went to a birthday party for his friend Parker, who lives in the neighborhood.  It was a mad scientist party.  Alex had the best time.  I could hear them yelling and counting when I was walking through the neighborhood to get him.  Parker's dad was building dry ice bombs and shooting off rockets in the back yard.  Talk about heaven for 7-8 year old boys!

It was a crazy busy weekend before a crazy busy week.  I'm working on finishing up my shopping before the kids get out of school.

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