Friday, February 4, 2011


I'll be the first to admit that weird things happen to me OR that I witness weird things. Last Saturday when Bri and I were walking to her friend's house looking like hobos, the guy up the street was outside without a shirt on. This was a BIG hairy guy! Bri and I just laughed.

Today I went to buy groceries at Food Lion. I'm trying to stay away from Wal Mart as much as possible. (Their customer service STINKS.) Anyway, so I'm in FL, get checked out and notice that manager, who was bagging my groceries, can't bag worth anything. Does he really not know the bagging rule: Bag it like you put it up! When I put up the bread I found the cream cheese in with the bread! Okay, so, here's the weird: I get all the groceries loaded into the truck (which is a pain in the butt on a rainy day) and go to put the buggy up. As I'm walking toward the buggy bin, the older guy who was rounding up buggies asked if he take my buggy. I told him, sure. Then he said, "I know your buggy will be warm. My hands are freezing. Here feel them." He's standing there holding out his freezing cold hand to me! I told him he needed some gloves and got the heck out of there!

I've often wondered if I have a sign on me that I don't know about that attracts this stuff. Brian says if there is someone crazy anywhere near me, they will talk to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG - you're just like your daddy! If there is a weird-0 within 20 miles, they come talk to him (and most of the time, they know him)!! lol Mom