Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ellie and George

Alex and I have always had some pretty good conversations in the car.  Since Brian is taking him to school now he is getting to experience these conversations.  Brian just called and told me about their conversation this morning.

Alex, "When is Christmas over?"
Brian, "Christmas is December 25th."
Alex, "NO, when is it over?"
Brian, "We celebrate Christmas every year on December 25th.  When you get older and have kids you can celebrate Christmas with them."
Alex, "I already know what I'm going to name my kids and where we are going to live."
Brian asked him what their names were going to be.
Alex, "My kids are going to be Ellie and George.  And we are going to live on a farm with barns and stuff.  Of course, this is after I go to cowboy college."

At least he has a dream and is sticking with it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That kid CRACKS me up!!!
