Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekend Update

What a weekend!  The weekend before school starts.  Friday afternoon the kids finally got to go to the pool. Seems like it has rained almost everyday this summer.  They and some friends from the neighborhood had the pool to themselves.  

Saturday I had a conference at Vance High School.  I was surprised at how huge that school was!  Two of my high schools could probably fit in this one.  It was crazy.  The kids hung out with Brian while I was gone.  I was exhausted when I got home, so we hung out watching TV and playing.  Getting up at 6:15 on a Saturday should be against some sort of rule or law or something.  

Sunday afternoon we were home reading.  Bri had a book report to finish.  I hate that she waited until the last minute to get it done, but it's finished and ready to be turned in.  

Lunches have been packed, book bags are packed and by the door, and clothes are picked out!  The kids start back to school tomorrow!  Praying for a good year for both kids.  Bri is due to have a good year.  6th grade was a tough adjustment and last year her SS teacher made things tough.  I have met Alex's teacher and she is young, but I think she will be a good teacher for him.  I'm just ready for the routine that school brings.  

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